Vietnam Holds Trilateral Meeting, Strengthens Solidarity with Cam...
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, To Lam, hosted a high-level meeting with Cambodian People's Party P...
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, To Lam, hosted a high-level meeting with Cambodian People's Party P...
Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Komunis Vietnam, To Lam, mengadakan pertemuan tingkat tinggi dengan Presiden Partai Rakyat Ka...
Sebanyak enam turis asing tewas karena dugaan menenggak minuman keras oplosan di Laos. Seorang remaja asal Australia ber...
Perdana Menteri Singapura Lawrence Wong naik pesawat komersil saat kembali dari tugas kenegaraan.
Berwisata ke destinasi populer dengan bujet rendah selalu menjadi daya tarik bagi banyak wisatawan. Baru-baru ini, telah...
Badan kebudayaan PBB merekomendasikan Laos untuk memantau kota bersejarah Luang Prabang dan situs UNESCO Angkor Wat di K...
From his visit over the past two weeks, President Prabowo received investment commitments worth a total of US$18.57 billion or around Rp294.80 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp15,880.00 per US dollar).
Indonesia - Malaysia Investment Forum 2024: Strengthening Strategic Partnerships for Investment Opportunities
resident Prabowo Subianto attended the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Indonesian and Chinese companies, totaling $10.07 billion.
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said that Indonesia has the potential to become one of the new economic powers in Asia, along with India and China.
A total of 20 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are listed in the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 2024. Indonesia’s largest telecommunications company Telkom Indonesia (@telkomindonesia) was also included in the top 10 list
The Trade Ministry is ready to support PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) ahead of the operation of its second smelter in Gresik, East Java.
Minister Airlangga said VAT to Increase to 12 Pct. Starting 2025