• Sunday, 23 March 2025

President Joko Widodo: Indonesia Has Potential to Become New Asian Economic Power

President Joko Widodo: Indonesia Has Potential to Become New Asian Economic Power
Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberi sambutan dalam acara BNI Investor Daily Summit 2024 di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Selasa (8/10/2024). (ANTARA)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said that Indonesia has the potential to become one of the new economic powers in Asia, along with India and China, in his remarks at the opening of the BNI Investor Daily Summit 2024 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/8).

The President said that there is  currently a shift in economic growth from western countries to Asia and the world has entered the Asian century.

“Because we know we have now entered the Asian century. The shift from the west to Asia, the growth of economic growth is also shifting all to Asia and it is projected that Asia will have three new economic powers, economic superpowers. The three predicted countries are India, China, and Indonesia. Once again, all three are in Asia,” the President said.

However, the President reminded that there are many conditions and challenges that must be overcame to become an economic superpower.

“But be careful to go to three more countries to become an economic superpower, there are many challenges, many conditions that must be passed. Therefore, optimism is important, maintaining optimism is important,” the President said.

The President continued, challenges that must be faced are the global economic slowdown and also geopolitical tensions that create global economic uncertainty.

“I think we all know that the global economic slowdown is still estimated at 2.7-2.8 percent on average and we should be grateful that Indonesia is still growing above 5 percent growth, as well as an increase in geopolitical tension. The Ukraine war has not concluded, the Israel-Palestine war has begun, Israel-Lebanon has been added, and Iran and Israel have been added. The uncertainty of the world economy is increasingly unclear,” the President said.

In addition, climate change is also one of the challenges that must be faced and anticipated.

“Also the impact of climate change, this is what we face in the future, we all need to anticipate and prepare for this,” said the President.

Writer: Vicky Octarina Arsandi

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