• Wednesday, 03 July 2024
Indonesian Ombudsman Suggests Direct Health Screening for Election Officers

Indonesian Ombudsman Suggests Direct Health Screening for Electio...

Jemsly Hutabarat on Monday (2/19) suggested that the health screening process for election officials should be done dire...

Palestine Demands End to Israeli Occupation on ICJ Hearing on Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Day 1

Palestine Demands End to Israeli Occupation on ICJ Hearing on Isr...

Palestine Demands End to Israeli Occupation on ICJ Hearing on Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Day 1

Indonesian Women Singles Ruzana Wins Sri Lanka International Series 2024

Indonesian Women Singles Ruzana Wins Sri Lanka International Seri...

Indonesian women's singles badminton player Ruzana won the Sri Lanka International Series 2024 tournament held at the In...

AMAN Plants 10,000 Mangroves for Net Zero Goal on World Environment Day 2024

AMAN Plants 10,000 Mangroves for Net Zero Goal on World Environment Day 2024

5 Simple Steps for Sustainable Lifestyle

Five practical ways to embark on a sustainable lifestyle.

Practical Tips for Household Waste

Sorting household waste is an essential step towards reducing waste generation and promoting environmental sustainability.

Understanding Non-Organic Waste

Non-organic waste refers to discarded materials that are difficult to decompose.

Cash for Trash: Turning Used Plastic Bottles into Rewards

Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) merupakan mesin untuk melayani penukaran botol plastik di fasilitas umum dengan menggunakan sistem poin lewat aplikasi Plasticpay.